Wednesday 28 February 2018

My Haul – What did I buy in February?

I thought I would try something slightly different for this My Haul post. Instead of the usual type of haul where I show what I bought in my Saturday shop or do a roundup of what I’ve bought over the past couple of weeks, I’ve decided I’m going to do a My Haul where I share a selection of things that I have bought over the past month.
Disney Happy Places, I mentioned that I started collecting these in ‘My Haul – First Haul from Canada in 2018’. Well I kept collecting them and eventually I tracked down the Beauty and the Beast tea set which was the one I had been hoping to get.
Comics! I have bought quite a few comics this month. Two volumes of Titans, the latest DC Superhero Girls, in Toronto I bought Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, and I found the Young Justice volumes in Dollarama for just $3 each!
I don’t really collect Funko Pop figures that much. However every so often I come across one that for whatever reason I feel like I should get and that was the case with this Nightwing Pop. As you can probably guess from the comics above Nightwing/Dick Grayson has increasingly become one of my new favourite DC heroes.
A new doll has been added to my collection, the DC Superhero Girls Starfire. Knowing me is it really a surprise that I wanted the doll of the alien princess superhero! I wanted to get this specific version of Starfire since she was unveiled at SDCC 2017, but she seemed to have only been available in the US, however this month she appear on Canadian Amazon and I bought her.
To my surprise I found an Ewok plushie! Ewok’s seem to have become increasingly hard to find recently so I am happy to have one. I think he has the perfect amount of manic and cute that the Ewok’s had.

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