Wednesday 21 February 2018

My Haul – Reading Week Toronto Trip

Here's the My Haul post for my Reading Week Toronto Trip, I actually didn’t actually buy that much in Toronto this time.
I did get another Itty Bitty from Hallmark, as I usually do. This time I am adding Mr Incredible to my collection. I think he’s the first of the new wave of Incredibles merchandise coming out this year to coincide with the long awaited sequel.
I mentioned in my post about what I did in Toronto that I went to the comic café and of course whilst I was there I bought a couple more comics! Titans Vol 2 and Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps Vol 4, both DC Rebirth titles.
Finally, I bought a Porg Pez dispenser. Did you know I liked the Porgs in The Last Jedi? I’m only buying nice looking toys of them though and I think this Pez Porg is a nice little figure of one.

And that’s it! Really not a massive selection of stuff this time and for the first time in forever I didn’t buy anything from Disney Store!

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