Tuesday 20 February 2018

Reading Week Toronto Trip

It’s reading week and yesterday I went to Toronto again.
As you’d probably expect, I went to the Eaton Centre when I arrived. It was more browsing than shopping this time round, as usual there will be a My Haul of everything that I bought this time in Toronto. I did have lunch whilst I was in the Eaton Centre. I had a really good burger which brought being vegetarian to an end because I’d decided that I wanted to go back to eating meat but only occasionally.
Next I went to the Textile Museum of Canada, which it turns out is literally just a block away from the Eaton Centre and yet until now I never knew that it was there. This museum is relatively small but it is worth a visit. They had this fantastic exhibition of decorative kimonos (pictured above) which were stunning to look at. Honestly the pictures really do not do them justice.

A Toronto Trip for me is not complete without a visit to The Black Canary comic café. I bought some comics, I had a BB8 to drink this time (not my usual Poison Ivy!) and I thought about what I was going to do next.
Monday was a public holiday in Canada so places were pretty busy with lots of families and tourists. It was also overcast and drizzling so not ideal conditions for wandering around and finding new places which is what I had been planning on doing.
However it did ease off on the drizzle enough that it was decent enough for me to go and explore the Chinatown area of Toronto. I didn’t realise just how close Chinatown was to the area that I usually explore. It was an interesting experience as you cross the street and suddenly everything just goes from being written in English to being in Chinese. It was definitely a fascinating area to explore.

I then made my way back to the Eaton Centre going a somewhat indirect route. If I had known it was a public holiday on Monday I probably would have gone another day. If the long range forecast had been more accurate about the weather I also would have chosen to go another day. But despite some setbacks I did have a nice day.

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