Monday 5 February 2018

Been Vegetarian for a Month

One of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2018 was to give being vegetarian a proper try. I’ve now been vegetarian for about a month and so I thought I’d write a blog post about how I’ve been finding it.

The last time I had meat was when I had a sausage and egg McMuffin for breakfast on the morning after I arrived back in Canada. I had literally no food in and so getting breakfast at McDonalds seemed like the best option.

I’ve noticed since I went vegetarian that I have been eating more cheese than I used to. It’s probably quite good for me that I’ve been getting more dairy into my diet than I used to. I have also become quite keen on using sweet potatoes and beans in my cooking.

Probably one question some people are wondering is, why did I suddenly decide to give being a vegetarian a try? Well I have been low-key contemplating it for quite a while and there’s various reasons. The main one being that I just don’t really feel comfortable eating meat and knowing about the intensity of factory farming meat production. Another reason was that I wanted to prove to myself that I actually could go vegetarian.

I thought one of the biggest challenges I was going to face was finding good veggie options when I’m eating out, I don’t eat out that often but I do usually grab lunch in the university food court a couple of times a week. However I have found eating good meals to not be a problem. And I can still have Poutine whilst I’m in Canada, I just have to ask for veggie gravy.

Generally I have found going vegetarian relatively easy. I would say that if you’ve ever considered giving being vegetarian a go as then you should give it a try as you’ll probably find it easier than you’re expecting.

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