Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Weather in Canada in January

As January comes to an end I want to do a brief post about what the weather has been like this month, because it has been weird. I suspect probably quite a few of my family and friends back in England are curious about what the weather has been like whilst I have been here.

When I arrived back in Canada after Christmas break it was really cold, around -20°C. That was probably the coldest I have ever been in. It was really unpleasantly cold. Since then temperatures have fluctuated wildly. We’ve gone from +10°C to -15°C with just about everything in between.

Several times throughout the month it has got warm enough that nearly all the snow has melted and it was looking like spring. But then a couple of days later the temperature would decline and the snow would come again. For example, this weekend I thought that the snow was gone for good but then on Monday suddenly we had some quite heavy snowfall and everything is covered in snow again.

The novelty of snow has still not worn off for me, maybe it’s because of how much I love Frozen. On multiple occasions I have been walking to or from class whilst it was snowing and listening to Let It Go. Though to my great disappointment none of the snow we have had so far is the type of snow that sticks together. So whilst I wanna to build a snowman it’s not been the right type of snow to construct Olaf from.

So in conclusion, January in Canada was not what I was expecting in terms of weather, the temperature and the amounts of snow have been constantly changing.

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