Thursday 4 January 2018

Back to Uni in Canada

Tomorrow I fly out back to Canada for the second semester of my year studying abroad.
It really does not feel like it was that long ago I was flying back for Winter break, but then again doesn’t the holiday period always seem to fly by?

I had a really good time during first semester: I did lots of exciting and interesting things, I met some great people and made some good friends, and I had a great time getting to now a new country. I have some ideas about what I might get up to during this next semester. I am sure I will visit Toronto again and I want to have a holiday somewhere during reading week in February.

I was anxious when I flew out to begin the whole study abroad process but this time I’m not really that anxious. I know that I can be independent enough to travel to another country on my own and navigate another culture. So I am returning to Canada with a greater confidence than I went there initially with.

I really enjoyed my first semester and I am looking forward to my second one.

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