Monday 7 August 2017

August Life Update

It’s a week into August and I’ve been neglecting this blog a little bit recently. I don’t really have an excuse, it’s just kept slipping my mind and I’ve not been particularly inspired to write much recently. However as I’ve accidentally dropped it a little I thought it was time to do another life update.

·         At the end of this month I go out to Canada for my year of studying abroad. I shared how I’m currently feeling about this in my post on Studying Abroad – A Month To Go.
·         It’s strange to think that I’m now quite well over half way through my summer break. As always it feels like it has flown by.
·         I live in a small town when I’m not at uni and so there’s not a lot for me to do over summer break, however I have been keeping myself busy.
·         I’ve been doing a lot of sewing over the course of this summer break. I often tend to do a lot of sewing whilst I’m away from university.

So that’s a brief update on what’s happening in my life right now. I have some stuff planned to go up later on this week.

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