Sunday 13 August 2017

Disney Princesses as Doctor Who Companions

I’ve mentioned before that I like to sew outfits for my doll collection. My latest project has been making outfits inspired by Doctor Who companions for some of the Disney Princesses. Normally I don’t feel like sharing the doll outfits I make on my blog, however I am really pleased with how these ones have turned out so I thought they were worth sharing.

Merida as Amy Pond
Merida is wearing an outfit that is inspired by the one Amy Pond wore in Victory of the Daleks, to me it feels like a very natural fit to have Merida as Amy Pond. It was a relatively simple outfit to make however I think the end result is very effective. The boots (borrowed from Hasbro’s Pocahontas) finish off this one perfectly.

Belle as Clara Oswald
Belle is Clara Oswald, or more specifically Oswin Oswald from Asylum of the Daleks. The sleeves were quite fiddly to make but I think that ultimately this dress came out well.  I love the little detail of giving Belle a set of measuring spoons attached to her belt, this echoes the whisk in Oswin’s belt.

Rapunzel as Rose Tyler
Finally (for now!) we have Rapunzel dressed as Rose Tyler. This outfit is based on the one worn by Rose in The Idiots Lantern, it might not be the first outfit you think of Rose wearing but it’s certainly one of the most memorable ones she wore. I think this is the best cardigan/jacket I have made so far. I’m very pleased with how the sleeves sit on her shoulders.

I think these three princesses look ready to have adventures in time and space. They’re the only ones I plan on doing at the moment however I may well make more outfits inspired by Doctor Who companions in the future.

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