Thursday 31 August 2017

The Start Of Studying Abroad!

Well it’s finally here. I am now in Canada beginning the start of my Study Abroad experience. So far I’m beginning to settle in and get used to things over here. Right now it is currently the start of my second full day in Canada and I thought it was time to just share a few initial thoughts about how it’s going so far.

At the moment it sort of feels like I’m out here for a holiday and not here to study. Speaking to my fellow exchange students I’m not the only one who feels like this! I suppose at the moment it is sort of a holiday, classes don’t begin until Thursday next week and right now I’m partaking in the international students welcome events. Obviously academic work is coming up soon but right now it’s more about being relaxed, getting used to things and having fun.

The weather out here is lovely. Since I landed I’ve enjoyed more sun over the past few days than I did the entire summer back in England! Generally you don’t think of Canada as being a particularly sunny country however from my first-hand experience I can tell you that it definitely is sunny! I know that a long, cold, snowy winter is coming but right now I’m enjoying the sun.

There’s many differences between Canada and England, I probably end up writing many posts about cultural differences. However one of the biggest differences that keeps hitting me is just how big everything is over here. The campus is enormous! At least four times as big as my Uni’s campus back in the UK. I’ve walked across quite a lot of it and still barely scratched the surface of just how far it extends. By the end of the year I will have done so much walking!

So far so good and I’m looking forward to finding out what is going to come next!

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