Friday 15 December 2017

The Last Jedi Review

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”, so begins another instalment of the Star Wars saga. I promise this review is going to be as spoiler free as possible however that might mean that at times I am a little vague.

I personally enjoyed this film. The Last Jedi is Episode 8 and the second part of the current trilogy. The Last Jedi picks up where The Force Awakens left off, and I mean right where it left off. There’s the continuation of that final scene with Rey and Luke on the island.

The Last Jedi poses some new questions which will be taken forward into Episode 9 and it also answers some questions from The Force Awakens. There’s a couple of things specific to Rey which were left open in The Force Awakens and will suddenly make sense. Yes, we do find out who Rey’s parents are, I have seen people guessing the correct answer but I’m not going to say who it is here…

The Last Jedi primarily follows the new trio of Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron. Rey is as badass as she was last time. We got to see more of Poe this time round and he got some character development. Finn is still a very likeable character and he has good chemistry with the character he spends most of the movie with.

We are also introduced to the Ewoks of this trilogy, the Porgs. The Porgs are primarily there for comic relief and to look cute and sell toys. They do look cute. I want a Porg.

Leia was as good as you’d expect. You probably will end up feeling sad about Carrie Fisher’s death again as it feels so obvious that Star Wars was not finished with Leia.

To be honest I’m not entirely sure why I am writing a review, if you like Star Wars you’re going to go see this movie anyway but it’s good to know that The Last Jedi is a good movie.

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