Saturday 25 March 2017

Going To Disneyland Paris!

I’ve mentioned a few times now that I am going to Disneyland Paris! Tonight I set off on the first leg of the journey, I am very excited.

This is my fourth time but I am arguably more excited than I was to be going for the first time! This time we are going to be travelling by Eurostar which is a first for me. It’s also the first time that I am going to be going to Disneyland Paris without being part of a larger trip, it’s just a small group of friends and I think that should make this trip more fun than any previous one.

2017 marks the 25th anniversary of Disneyland Paris and we are going to be there for the start of the celebration. I am looking forward to seeing a brand new parade and a brand new firework show which they are going to have this time.

Recently I’ve watched several Disney movies to get even more in the mood for going…
·         Beauty and the Beast (2017) – I’ve mentioned before that I saw this film at the cinema last Saturday and loved it!
·         Buzz Lightyear of Star Command – A direct to DVD Toy Story spin-off. It’s basically a sci-fi parody based on the TV series within the Toy Story movies that inspired the Buzz Lightyear toys within the movies. I watched it again because of the ride Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast at Disneyland Paris.
·         Cinderella III – It was Disney Soc’s annual Direct to DVD/Video Sequel Night this Tuesday and this time we watched Cinderella III which it turns out is actually a pretty decent movie! And most shockingly of all it features Cinderella being an active protagonist and saving herself!
·         Tangled – It’s a great movie, I’d forgotten just how fun it is. I am certain that at some point whilst we are at Disneyland Paris we will either see Rapunzel or something Tangled related.

So I am very excited to be going to Disneyland Paris, this will be my fourth time and I think it will probably be my best time yet! I will probably update the blog again after I’ve been with some of my favourite things.

Friday 24 March 2017

Another Semester Is Over!

Well another semester has come to an end today. It really doesn’t feel like it should be time for me to be typing this already, it feels like it was just the other week that I was writing about coming back after Christmas!

Spring is always seen as the season of change and this spring semester is no exception. Thinking back to where I was when I started this semester back in January and where I am now at the end of it in March a lot has changed. I feel like I’m constantly reflecting on how much I’ve changed but it’s true. University is often seen as a massive period of personal change and growth, I think this is one of those clichés which is actually true.

I think in many ways this has probably been my most academically challenging semester yet. Obviously education always steps up a level but there has been some times this semester that I’ve felt really down, both mentally and physically when I got a quite nasty stomach bug. However I am someone who does try not to dwell on the negative aspects of life and instead search for the positive stuff. And I try to get through most things by drinking copious amounts of coffee!

These past few days have been really good and I’ve been feeling pretty upbeat and positive lately. Of course I’m happy at the moment, I’m going to Disneyland Paris very soon! But I also had my birthday recently, which was great. I saw Mamma Mia which I loved! And there’s been all the good stuff that I shared in my post on how March is speeding by. The other day I also made a little Lego DC Superheroes stop-motion animation (which you can watch on YouTube here) and that’s something which I’ve wanted to do for a while so I’m glad I’ve finally done it. On a slightly random tangent I also want to share that I’ve been listening to Super Friend from the recent Flash/Supergirl musical crossover episode which is a really fun song that’s had me smiling a lot.

It’s certainly strange to think that the end to my second year at university is now on the not too distant horizon. I’m trying not to stress about what the future holds for me, however there is a certain sense of apprehension when I think about what my story holds. But on a personal level 2017 has been off to a great start and I’m sure it’s going to keep being a good year for me.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Maleficent and Beauty and the Beast

Maleficent is the Disney Movie of the Month. The live-action Beauty and the Beast is out now. It was inevitable that I wrote a post about these two movies!

I’ve previously talked about my feelings on Disney’s live-action remakes. I think that if they’re done well then it’s a great idea. As I said in my initial post, I enjoyed Maleficent and as I briefly mentioned in my post about what’s been happening lately that I really liked the new Beauty and the Beast.

Beauty and the Beast represents something new for Disney’s live action remakes in that it is the first one which is a musical. However it’s interesting that – as my friends and I were saying afterwards - the way the songs were arranged and presented in Beauty and the Beast felt more like a stage musical than a traditional Disney musical. I also mentioned in my post on Maleficent that I felt the structure was quite play-like. It’s interesting how live action is bringing out such a strong element of theatricality in these stories.

Maleficent and Beauty and the Beast both have really compelling protagonists. Angelina Jolie was great as Maleficent, her performance really delivered on all the emotional notes that were needed to turn a villain into a sympathetic character. But she was also excellent at the moments of camp arch villainy. Emma Watson delivered a wonderful performance as Belle. She felt truly believable as an intelligent young woman who wants more out of life.

One thing that real stands out and impresses me about both of these movies is the quality of the CGI. Obviously because Disney is such a big company they can afford really good CGI but that doesn’t make the visual effects any less impressive. From dragons and vast fairy-tale landscapes to the Beast and the enchanted objects, realisation of the CGI elements and the blending of live-action and CGI in both films is amazing. They really do a good job of bringing the most fantastical elements of the hand drawn animations to life.

Another thing that really stands out for both these movies - and this also applies to Cinderella - is that they have a really strong look. The fairy-tale world that is being realised on screen has a distinctive aesthetic and is really engaging for the viewer to watch. I hope this trend of the live action remakes being visual treats is one that is going to continue for as long as Disney keep remaking their archive.

I feel that in doing Beauty and the Beast Disney has learnt a big lesson from Maleficent.  One of my biggest problems with Maleficent was its loyalty the source material which lead to the inclusion of Prince Phillip and the Three Good Fairies who really were not needed.  If you’re going to include things because they were there in the original then just make sure they’re needed. Beauty and the Beast certainly managed this, it didn’t feel like anyone or anything was superfluous.

Basically Beauty and the Beast and Maleficent are both very enjoyable movies and I like both of them. They’re tonally very different but that works for the different stories that they’re trying to tell. Disney are showing no signs of stopping on the remakes but if they can keep up the good work then I’m not worried.

Sunday 19 March 2017

March is Speeding By

I know it’s not quite the end of the month yet but March feels like it’s going by really fast. I had intended to update my blog several times this month but I’ve just sort let it go a little over the past few weeks. Last time I posted was just before my birthday and this time I’m just sharing what’s generally been going on in my life since then.

I had a really nice birthday. It wasn’t exactly crazy busy or anything but that’s not my style. I just had a fun but relaxed day which was full of stuff that I like.
I saw Mamma Mia at the theatre the day before my birthday, which was wonderful.
I don’t have any full on essays due until after Spring Break but there’s been quite a bit of uni work keeping me busy recently. I always like to try to stay on top of my work and get stuff done in advance, in the long run its definitely good to be prepared but the process of being prepared can become quite time consuming!
I’ve finally got further along with my Study Abroad application and have selected the modules that I am going to be doing during my first semester whilst I’m in Canada. The process of applying is quite strange and longwinded; I initially applied within my home uni to go on a Year Abroad, I then had to confirm that I was certain I wanted to go once I got assigned my place and most recently I’ve had to apply again to the Canadian university which will be hosting me whilst I’m abroad.
Yesterday I went to see the new live action Beauty and the Beast with a couple of my friends. I really enjoyed it and I definitely would recommend it. Afterwards we went out for dinner at Five Guys. We had a really great time together yesterday.
Perhaps most excitingly though, is that in a week’s time I’m going to Disneyland Paris with my friends! This will be my fourth visit and we are going to be there for the 25th Anniversary celebrations.

Monday 13 March 2017

I am nearly 20!

It’s my birthday very soon and I turn 20! It still doesn’t feel real that I should be turning 20. I’m not exactly worried about getting older, it’s what happens, isn’t it. Though it is strange to be thinking that I am no longer going to be a teenager. 20 is the start of becoming an adult!

Usually for my birthday I tend not to do big exciting parties, I prefer a good celebratory meal out. This year I am seeing Mamma Mia at the theatre the day before and I’ll be eating out on my actual birthday and we’re going to be watching Frozen (my favourite Disney movie and one of my all-time favourite films) at Disney Soc. This birthday is also a little different from usual in that I am not going to be spending the day with my parents like I usually do. I don’t mind this too much and after all it’s not like I can fly back home just for my birthday whilst I’m in Canada next year!

When I think back to where I was in my life a year ago and compare it to where I am right now quite a lot has changed.

 I think now I have more self-confidence than I have at any other point in my life. I still have moments of self-doubt but I’ve got to a point that I’m pretty assured in who I am and I don’t care what other people may think of me.

I have gained a hobby over the past year which I did not see coming but I really love, doll collecting! I previously talked about doll collecting but it really has become a massive hobby that I love. And it’s not just collecting dolls of my favourite character. It’s also making rooms, accessories and outfits for them.

In terms of friendship things have changed massively, I’ve talked before about how I struggled with friends in first year. But now I have friends! I meet up with my friends regularly, I’m even going to Disneyland Paris over spring break with my friends and I’m not trying to be friends with people who make me unhappy anymore.

In conclusion, it has been great being 19. The biggest challenge that being 20 is going to bring is my year abroad. I’m going out to Canada in September for an academic year. I’m a little nervous but I am mainly excited about going over there and trying out something completely new. I am actually genuinely happy with where I am in my life right now and I’m excited to keep seeing where my path is going to lead me.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Disney Live-Action Remakes – My Thoughts

The Disney Movie of the Month this month is Maleficent, the 2014 live-action remake of the 1959 animated Sleeping Beauty. Disney has recently had quite a thing for live action remakes of their beloved animated movies recently. The highly anticipated Beauty and the Beast is going to be released shortly, and they’re not stopping anytime soon.
I previously talked about what I’d like to see in a live-action Aladdin but this time - because Maleficent is the Disney Movie of the Month – I am just offering a few more general thoughts about live-action remakes of Disney movies. I am not completely opposed to Disney remaking their archive but I feel it needs to be done well when they do…

The aesthetic is important.

·         This is something both Maleficent and Cinderella got spot on. In Maleficent the aesthetic is a cool dark gothic style which really serves the movie well. On the other hand the live-action Cinderella was a gorgeous looking movie, the dress was stunning and the locations were beautiful. I hope subsequent live-action Disney remakes can also have strong aesthetics which really fit the movie.

If it’s going to be different then really go for it.

·         This is Maleficent’s style, it took a princess romance story and made it a villain origin story that turned the villain into an extremely sympathetic character. As I mentioned in my initial post about Maleficent, I think the movie could have been even stronger if it had pushed the differences even further (for example they should have completely left out Prince Phillip). I’d love to see a live-action remake of The Little Mermaid done in the style of Maleficent that focused on Ursula.

If the basic story is the same then fix the problems of the original in the new version.

·         This one is one of the biggest strengths of the live-action Cinderella. I really hate the 1950 animated version of Cinderella. It’s boring, it’s sexist and Cinderella is completely useless. But the live-action remake fixed that! Suddenly Cinderella and the Prince had personalities! They actually interacted before falling in love! There was a more substantial plot! I’d love to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarves undergo a similar process.

Give the live-action movies a legacy.

·         I would like to see a lasting legacy for the live-action remakes. At the moment it sort of just feels like a quick brand recognition cash grab that is then quickly forgotten by Disney, but I’d like to see them start to create a legacy for their live-action remakes if they’re going to keep doing them. For example why not merchandise the live-action version of Cinderella alongside her animated counterpart? This idea of giving the live-action remakes a legacy leads onto my next point…

A Disney Shared Cinematic Universe!

·         I don’t know if this would ever happen but wouldn’t it be fun to see characters meeting up and teaming up!

And finally, do a live-action Princess and the Frog.

·          I love Princess and the Frog, Tiana is the best Disney Princess. This movie deserves more love and attention from Disney. I just really want it to happen!

So that’s a few thoughts on Disney’s live-action remakes. I’m interested to see what they have in store for subsequent live-action remakes.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Student Life – Avoiding The Student Bubble

It’s pretty much a fact of student life that you get sucked into the ‘student bubble’. Yet –partially because I’m doing it on my terms – I kind of feel like I’ve avoided becoming completely sucked into the ‘student bubble’.

By the ‘student bubble’ I mean the way that some students end up living their life in a way that means more or less everything revolves around university and being a student. I know people who seemingly do things just because that’s what a student is supposed to do rather than their being any sense of independence attached to it. I know people who haven’t explored the city and embraced some of the opportunities that are on our doorstep. Why do some people just seem intent on having a completely generic student experience instead of breaking out of the routine of the ‘student bubble’?

I’m not trying to shame anyone here. I have nothing against routine, I’m a naturally organised person so I enjoy having a routine. For example Monday’s I meet up with my friends for coffee (I’ve talked about that in this post). Tuesday evening is Disney Soc. And every Saturday morning just before 9AM I go out into the city and have my weekly Saturday Shop, (see my haul posts).

In my first year I lived in the off campus accommodation block. At my uni most of the residences are on campus but there’s one block which is in the city at the opposite side of the city centre to the university campus. I think living in the city during first year was a really great thing to happen to me. I’m sure living on campus has lots of benefits but I relished the sense of independence that I had from essentially being left out on my own. Living in the city meant I couldn’t rely on eateries on campus like some students do, I had to learn how to cook (I talked about this previously inanother post). I had to learn the bus system, which might sound like something fairly basic but it’s something that I noticed trips up a lot of second years who lived on campus. Living in the city also meant I got a real appreciate for having the city on my doorstep.

At the end of the day I am a naturally independent person and I do enjoy being a little different and doing it on my terms. I just don’t understand how and why some people let themselves get trapped in the student bubble.

Saturday 4 March 2017

My Haul – DC Superhero Girls, Disney and More

It’s time for my fourth Haul post this time featuring DC Superhero Girls, Disney and more.

I found Jasmine’s Disney Infinity figure in TK Maxx for just £3.99. I never played the Disney Infinity game but I collect the figures (Jasmine is my 12th one). I usually find them on offer and they’re just really nice figures of the Disney characters.

Another Barbie accessory pack, I first figured out that these work well with Disney dolls in one of my previous hauls. Since then I’ve been keeping an eye out for other packs that might work well with my dolls. This baking set is going to be perfect for my Tiana doll, especially as I plan on (eventually getting around to) making a bakery for Tiana.

In my blog post about Doll Collecting I mentioned that there was at least three more dolls I wanted to get, one of those dolls was the Supergirl doll from DC Superhero Girls. I wanted to get Supergirl more or less straight after I started to watch the TV series but I struggled to figure out which version of her doll I wanted, then today I found this version for ½ price in Sainsbury’s! Also as I bought a 12” Flash action figure a few weeks back I had to have her recreating the crossover episode with him.

Supergirl wasn’t the only superhero bargain that I found in Sainsbury’s today. I found this Marvel pencil case in the clearance section. Appropriately enough I’ve recently been thinking about getting a pencil case to keep all my colouring pencils in.

I mentioned back in my first haul post that I love Comic Relief red noses and I’ve been collecting them for over a decade. After several duplicates I decided today to get one last red nose and this time I got a different one!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Maleficent – Disney Movie of the Month

It’s March, that means it’s time for a new Disney Movie of the Month. In January I looked at Aladdin – an Animated Classic – and in February I looked at A Bugs Life – a Pixar movie. So for the third Disney Movie of the Month it seemed like it was time to look at a live action movie and I chose 2014’s Maleficent.

Maleficent was released back in 2014 and is the live action reimagining of the 1959 animated Sleeping Beauty. Angelina Jolie plays the titular character who is given a more sympathetic backstory in this darker take on the original film. Maleficent is one of my favourite villains – more on that in a follow up post later this month. I originally saw Maleficent in the cinema about a week after it was released and yet I haven’t watched it since then. Until today.

I’d forgotten just how strong Angelina Jolie’s performance as Maleficent is. She clearly relished playing the moments when the story requires her to be a slightly camp arch villain, but she’s also faultless when required to convey some very strong emotion material. I was very pleased to rediscover just how wonderful Angelina Jolie’s performance was.

Maleficent is not a regular adaption of Sleeping Beauty, it is very much its own thing. It has moments for Disney fans to spot that reference the original – such as the forest of thorns, the speech when Maleficent curses Aurora and the dragon. But it also rejects a lot of the tropes of the Disney Princess format and I stronger because of that. However at times it also has a loyalty to the source material that can get in the way of the films full potential. For example Maleficent gives us an infuriating take on the three good fairies who are absolutely useless. As well as trying to shoehorn Prince Phillip into the story for literally no other reason than he’s supposed to be there. The movie could have been much stronger if Phillip and the three good fairies were just completely cut out of it.

I can’t really write about Maleficent without mentioning that there’s definitely some similarities with Wicked. Both movies take a green skinned villain from a popular fairy-tale and retell her story to make her a more sympathetic and feminist character. However they are both very different stories. I think Wicked may have partially been an inspiration for Maleficent, but I don’t think that Maleficent is a rip off of Wicked.

Part of the appeal of these live action remakes for me is seeing the way that Disney brings the animated original to life. I like that despite many changes elsewhere the design team chose to keep Maleficent’s look more or less the same. In the case of the original Sleeping Beauty the movie has a strong medieval aesthetic, when adapting it for live action the production team chose a cool dark gothic style that I think really suits the movie.

Another more technical thing that I love about this movie is the structure of the story. The pivotal moment in the story of Sleeping Beauty is when the dark fairy (Maleficent herself) curses the infant princess. The entire story hinges on that moment. So when it came to telling the story of Sleeping Beauty from the villain’s perspective Disney decided to restructure the narrative so that act one is building up to why  Maleficent places the curse on Aurora and how she becomes the ‘Mistress of All Evil!’ And then act two of the movie deals with redeeming her, as Maleficent faces the consequences of her actions. This structure would actually work well if Disney ever wanted to do a stage adaptation of Maleficent!

In conclusion, Maleficent is definitely worth watching. It’s not an adaptation of the 1959 Sleeping Beauty, it is an interesting alternate take on a well-known story that shifts the focus onto the villain and makes her a tragic hero.