Sunday 19 March 2017

March is Speeding By

I know it’s not quite the end of the month yet but March feels like it’s going by really fast. I had intended to update my blog several times this month but I’ve just sort let it go a little over the past few weeks. Last time I posted was just before my birthday and this time I’m just sharing what’s generally been going on in my life since then.

I had a really nice birthday. It wasn’t exactly crazy busy or anything but that’s not my style. I just had a fun but relaxed day which was full of stuff that I like.
I saw Mamma Mia at the theatre the day before my birthday, which was wonderful.
I don’t have any full on essays due until after Spring Break but there’s been quite a bit of uni work keeping me busy recently. I always like to try to stay on top of my work and get stuff done in advance, in the long run its definitely good to be prepared but the process of being prepared can become quite time consuming!
I’ve finally got further along with my Study Abroad application and have selected the modules that I am going to be doing during my first semester whilst I’m in Canada. The process of applying is quite strange and longwinded; I initially applied within my home uni to go on a Year Abroad, I then had to confirm that I was certain I wanted to go once I got assigned my place and most recently I’ve had to apply again to the Canadian university which will be hosting me whilst I’m abroad.
Yesterday I went to see the new live action Beauty and the Beast with a couple of my friends. I really enjoyed it and I definitely would recommend it. Afterwards we went out for dinner at Five Guys. We had a really great time together yesterday.
Perhaps most excitingly though, is that in a week’s time I’m going to Disneyland Paris with my friends! This will be my fourth visit and we are going to be there for the 25th Anniversary celebrations.

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