Monday 13 March 2017

I am nearly 20!

It’s my birthday very soon and I turn 20! It still doesn’t feel real that I should be turning 20. I’m not exactly worried about getting older, it’s what happens, isn’t it. Though it is strange to be thinking that I am no longer going to be a teenager. 20 is the start of becoming an adult!

Usually for my birthday I tend not to do big exciting parties, I prefer a good celebratory meal out. This year I am seeing Mamma Mia at the theatre the day before and I’ll be eating out on my actual birthday and we’re going to be watching Frozen (my favourite Disney movie and one of my all-time favourite films) at Disney Soc. This birthday is also a little different from usual in that I am not going to be spending the day with my parents like I usually do. I don’t mind this too much and after all it’s not like I can fly back home just for my birthday whilst I’m in Canada next year!

When I think back to where I was in my life a year ago and compare it to where I am right now quite a lot has changed.

 I think now I have more self-confidence than I have at any other point in my life. I still have moments of self-doubt but I’ve got to a point that I’m pretty assured in who I am and I don’t care what other people may think of me.

I have gained a hobby over the past year which I did not see coming but I really love, doll collecting! I previously talked about doll collecting but it really has become a massive hobby that I love. And it’s not just collecting dolls of my favourite character. It’s also making rooms, accessories and outfits for them.

In terms of friendship things have changed massively, I’ve talked before about how I struggled with friends in first year. But now I have friends! I meet up with my friends regularly, I’m even going to Disneyland Paris over spring break with my friends and I’m not trying to be friends with people who make me unhappy anymore.

In conclusion, it has been great being 19. The biggest challenge that being 20 is going to bring is my year abroad. I’m going out to Canada in September for an academic year. I’m a little nervous but I am mainly excited about going over there and trying out something completely new. I am actually genuinely happy with where I am in my life right now and I’m excited to keep seeing where my path is going to lead me.

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