Monday 12 March 2018

About to Turn 21

I can’t quite believe that it’s nearly my birthday again. How has it come around again so quickly?

Of course the biggest thing to happen to me since I turned 20 is going on my Year Abroad to Canada. It has been an incredible experience, I have loved things like going to Toronto and Thanksgiving. Though it turns out that snow gets really boring after a while. I think probably the biggest challenge I have had to face from my Year Abroad was getting everything I needed to enter the country ready in time. Also the actual experience of flying out to Canada on my own was a bit unnerving. However having managed to do that I think it’s given me even more confidence in my resilience.

Around a year ago I wrote a blog post called ‘I am nearly 20!’ Looking back at me saying what I was going to do on my birthday made me smile, I wrote that we were going to be watching Frozen at Disney Soc but what I didn’t know then was that my friends were going to surprise me and bring out a birthday cake for me. Also looking back at that post I definitely realise that I made some really strong friendships last year and I’m looking forward to seeing those people again when I’m back in England later this year (if you’re reading this you know who you are!).

It’s hard not to think about going on exchange when I think about being 20 as it has definitely been the most significant thing that has happened to me over the past year. However I think another important thing that has happened to me is that my dedication to learning has increased. Very early on with being a student I realised that I genuinely love learning but I think that has just increased even more within the last year. I am still unsure of what I want to do with my future but I feel like I want to continue being a scholar for as long as I possibly can.

I don’t really know what being 21 is going to bring for me. However whatever challenges lie ahead I am ready to face with resilience and optimism.

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