Saturday 3 June 2017

Doctor Who – The Lie of The Land Review

The Doctor and Bill take on fake news in this week’s episode (sort of).

This week’s episode concluded the recent run of stories regarding the mysterious Monks that were first introduced back in Extremis. The Monks have managed to take over everything after the conclusion of The Pyramid at the End of the World. In The Lie of the Land the Monks haven’t just taken over the world, they’ve always been there.

The Doctor and Bill were obviously going to be fighting back, but I was confused why the episode said that the monks had been there for six months before they fought back. Was there meant to be some significance to that which I missed? I find it a little hard to believe that it would have taken the Doctor so long to finally put his plan of resistance into action without there being some big secret reason. Previously when an enemy has actually succeeded in taking over the world there’s usually been some reason as to why it takes time to fight back, such as when Martha Jones had to inspire a belief in the Doctor in 2007’s The Last of The Timelords.

Aside from my issue with the timing of this story I think this was a solid conclusion to the Monks trilogy. I will be glad to see the return of stand-alone stories next week but this episode felt like a good way to round out this mini-arc. We saw the full realisation of the Monks plan before the Doctor, Bill and Nardole defeated them. There was clearly a bit of sub-text regarding the real world trend of fake news in the way that the Monks had controlled everyone to see the Monks as having always been there. I like Doctor Who stories that echo contemporary issues, it’s something that Doctor Who has a long tradition of doing such as in 1973’s The Green Death. (Side note, if you’ve not seen The Green Death you really should it is one of the very best classic Doctor Who stories).

The Monks have been an interesting opponent. It’s been quite interesting to see what is ultimately just another ‘take over the world’ monster having such an usual strategy which we’ve seen misdirecting us and unfolding over several weeks. I can’t help feeling like there’s still quite a few unanswered questions about them so I wonder if possibly they’re not quite finished and the TARDIS team might have a rematch with them in a future episode.

Once more Bill Potts steals the show. I think I’ve said this every single week but honestly I just can’t praise Pearl Mackie’s performance enough. Bill really is becoming one of the all-time greatest companions, right up there with Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith. I liked the narration from Bill throughout the episode when she was speaking to her mother and it made the final resolution feel very satisfying. The ending with Bill’s mother actually reminded me of when Clara Oswald defeated an evil alien sun 2013’s The Rings of Akhaten, which in my opinion was one of Clara’s finest moments. One thing that is starting to worry me with Bill is that this is two weeks running where she’s been willing to sacrifice herself to save the world, I really hope this is not foreshadowing for the season finale because I don’t want her to just be a one series companion. On a separate but related note, please can they hurry up and release Bill’s action figure already!

In conclusion, The Lie of the Land was a satisfying conclusion to the Monks trilogy and Bill Potts was once again the star of the episode. And next week isss the return of the Ice Warriorssss which I have been eagerly awaiting!

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