Friday 12 May 2017

Student Life - Surviving Coursework Season

Well we’re currently coming to the end of coursework season, thankfully!
Around the end of the semester suddenly there’s coursework due in for absolutely every module. And every one has lots of coursework. Literally the only thing that seems to be concerning anyone is making it to the end of coursework season. Seriously for the past fortnight I have been unable to talk to another student without one of us mentioning coursework.

  • I’m a naturally organised person, this becomes a very useful trait during coursework season! I’m not one of those people who tries to deceive themselves into thinking that they’ll get all their coursework done over Spring Break – let’s be realistic, no one actually manages to do that! But I always know when my deadlines are and work through my essays methodically in order of length and due date. I plan to do things ahead of time so that I don’t have last minute panics, but even so I still find it a bit of a stressful time.
  • For me it feels particularly strange this time around as next time I go through coursework season I am going to be on my year abroad!
  • I’ve noticed this year that I really like to do drawing and colouring in during coursework season. At the moment I’m working on a DC Comics colouring in book and the Warhol colouring in/doodle book that I bought at the weekend. I’m definitely a fan of adult stress relief colouring in books though I also always seem to use them more during coursework season.
  • I try to force myself out of the house at least once a day just so I don’t feel like I’ve been cooped up inside all day. Even if it’s just going down the local charity shop it still helps to get out of the house. The past couple of days have seen a sudden spell of sunny weather and I’ve been going out to enjoy my local parks.
  • Another thing that I find helps to keep me grounded is to maintain my usual routines as much as possible. For example I will still go out shopping on a Saturday morning. I also try to cook a big meal from a cook book on at least one evening during the weekend. And recently I make sure that I watch Doctor Who on a Saturday night!

So there’s some of my rambling about coursework season. I am aware that in writing this post I am continuing to talk about coursework. I apologise if you came across this post whilst procrastinating and now you’re feeling guilty because you still have one last essay to write!

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