Saturday 6 May 2017

My Haul – Free Comic Book Day and More…

It’s been a while since I last did one of these haul posts but as today is Free Comic Book Day I decided I’d do one again.

Today is Free Comic Book Day, which is exactly what it sounds like. Comic Book stores are giving away free comic books today, you don’t even need to buy anything! (Though it’s kind of rude to just take the freebies and not buy anything.) I bought the Supergirl issue and then got the Secret Empire, DC Superhero Girls and Wonder Woman comics free! Even better is that those were the three I really wanted from the selection available for this year!

The comic theme continues with this X-Men Pop Up book. I found it in a reduced price book shop, his is genuinely a thing that exist and I had to buy it because it has pop up pages dedicated to my two favourite X-Men, Storm and Cyclops. It’s actually a really nicely made book and a good one to add to my Marvel collection. And the retro comic style makes it even more interesting.

Moving away from DC and Marvel I bought an Andy Warhol colouring in/doodle book. It was reduced and when I saw it I more or less instantly bought. I love pop art, Warhol is one of my all-time favourite artists and I love colouring in so it was a must buy for me!

Staying with the creative theme, I bought this nautical themed fat quarter of fabric. I reckon it will be perfect for a skirt for my Ariel doll (hence why she’s holding it in the picture!)

Final thing. This is a weird one, Sainsbury’s are doing free packs of Lego trading cards when you spend £10 or more in store so I got 2 packs with this week’s food shop. I feel like this is the start of yet another collection…

And that’s it for this week. I think I am going to start trying to make the haul posts a regular thing again.

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