Tuesday 30 May 2017

Doll Book Shop – My Latest Craft

I finished my latest craft project today, making a doll sized book shop!

I’m a literature student and I love collecting dolls and making rooms to display them in so I guess it was only a matter of time before I made something like this! I took inspiration from tutorials by MyFroggyStuff on YouTube and combined that with my own ideas. Before I started I wondered if this project was going to be too ambitious but I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

As with all my doll rooms, this started off as a cereal box that I cut open the front side on and then covered the edges in paper.

Next I started to make the outside of the bookshop. Using a doll as a guide I cut out a piece of wood grain scrapbook paper to be the door. The wood print paper is from that pack I found in my haul the other week. I cut out a sign for the shop and a window that I’d made on the computer and printed out. The window is a photo of some of my books that I edited so it looked like a window display.

Usually I don’t bother decorating the outside of the box but on this occasion I wanted to make a shop front. I covered half of the outside with white paper and half with more wood grain scrapbook paper. I then glued the sign, window and door onto the box. Now the store front is finished.

With the exterior completed it was time to start working on the inside. I used a doll as a guide to figure out what would be the right size for this book print scrapbook paper I found in Hobbycraft. Once trimmed down I glued the book print into the box and then covered the bottom half with white paper.

I decided to use more wood grain paper to cover up the seam between the two sides of the book print paper and suggest a beam in the shop. I then used (even more) wood grain for the flooring and glued in another edited picture for a window. This is a photo of a street that I took in San Francisco, I guess that means this book shop is in California!

With the basic room completed the book shop needed furnishing. I found this box in The Works, I think it’s meant to be a jewellery box but I’m repurposing it as a book case. I made mini books by gluing images from flyers, catalogs and leaflets onto card from an Amazon order. The books fit nicely into the book case and went in the room.

For some finishing touches I took a frame that I had left over from The Superhero Hangout and framed this little quote from The Doctor (if you’re wondering the quote is from 2006’s Tooth and Claw). I also added the ottoman poofs that I had made previously from a MyFroggyStuff video, they’re really easy to make as they are just old socks!

So here’s the finished room with various dolls using it! I like that this is a room which can be used by various characters. This room has a lot of pattern and texture however it doesn’t feel like it’s too much. I also like that it’s a space that I can expand further with the potential to add extra books and extra shelving units in the future.

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