Tuesday 3 April 2018

My Year Abroad is Racing to Its Conclusion

Somehow it’s already the last week of classes, as of Thursday afternoon at 4PM I will have finished classes for third year.

Right now I’m sort of shocked that it can already be at an end. It’s only really within the last week or so that it has actually hit me just how close to the end of the academic year I am. I think part of the reason why I’m disorientated is that in Canada there’s no spring break. Back in England we usually have four week spring break around whenever Easter occurs. This year there’s no spring break which just seems really odd to me. In fact there was only one day off for Easter which was Good Friday, and the way my timetable has worked out this semester meant that Friday is already my free day.

Usually I’m more aware of when the end of the semester is approaching as I am usually working on coursework (or more accurately for me editing and revising coursework) right up to the final few days of the semester. As I mentioned in my last blog post, despite a horrendous amount of deadlines throughout March I was able to stay on top of my coursework load thanks to some forward thinking planning.

Classes conclude at the end of this week, then from Monday onwards Finals Season begins. But once I have done my last exam – which is a take home exam – I am finished for the academic year. I’m somewhere between nervous and confident for finals, I know I still need to do a good amount of revision before the exams start.

Of course as we approach the end of another semester and another academic year I can’t help thinking over what has happened and what I have done this semester. Without a shadow of a doubt the highlight of Second Semester has been Toronto ComiCon.

In the coming weeks there will probably be numerous posts reflecting on how my year abroad is coming to an end, dealing with finals and reflecting on what some of the highlights of the year have been. However I just wanted to do a quick post about how my year abroad is racing to its conclusion.

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