Saturday 28 April 2018

A Little More Canada Before I Leave

I’ve finished my academic year. But even though I am done studying abroad I’m not heading back to England just yet.

My parents flew out on Friday – the end of the semester – and we are having a family holiday before I leave this country for good. We started with me showing my parents around the town in Ontario where I have been staying. It was a really nice way to say goodbye to the place where I have been living since last September.

Also whilst we were in Southern Ontario we went down to see Niagara Falls. There was evidence of the long winter and repeated freezing spells in the large chunks of ice that had formed around the base of the falls. However Niagara Falls was just as stunning as I remember. If you are ever in the area you really need to see them.

The second leg of our journey took us away from Ontario to the Pacific Coast. We landed in Vancouver, British Colombia.
There’s no denying that Vancouver is a stunning looking city. The entire city is located on a waterfront, and when you look to the North there’s mountains. I don’t think I have ever been anywhere else like this. But whilst the city does look amazing, I honestly I don’t actually think Vancouver is that great. It is a great photo taking city, but in terms of things to do I just wish that there was something more.

However, in Stanley Park I saw four raccoons! Raccoons are my absolute favourite animals. But in my entire time at the university I only saw one briefly. Yesterday I saw four and one of them came really close to me! One of my best experiences in Canada.

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