Wednesday 5 April 2017

Missed It Again!

I’ve forgotten to update my blog for a while and I am really sorry about that. It turns out that writing a blog and keeping it updated regularly is a lot harder than it sometimes seems! I had planned to keep it regularly updated but, between going to Disneyland Paris and then returning home for Spring Break, blogging has just sort of slipped down in my priorities at the moment.

I am aware that I missed out on doing a Disney Movie of the Month at the start of April, I’m currently unsure which film I want to pick as my next choice. There will be a Disney Movie of the Month for April but on this occasion it’s going to be later on in the month instead of right at the start of the month.

I also had planned to write a post about the highlights of my Disneyland Paris trip. The trip was amazing and I loved it but it also flew by and then once I was back in England I was quickly heading home for Spring Break. I might still do a post of my five favourite things at some point soon though.

It’s always slightly strange to come home for Spring Break. When I’m away from uni and student life I fully appreciate just how much I love it. I feel incredibly lucky that because of my year abroad I am going to be spending four years instead of three years on my undergrad degree. I get an extra year of being a student! 

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