Thursday 27 April 2017

April Life Update

I’ve neglected updating the blog again, I am sorry. It just sort of happens that I lose track of it so I thought that I would do a life update post – like I did last month.
  • I am currently back at uni and straight back into student life. However whilst I’m still making time for my friends it’s also very busy at the moment as my coursework deadlines are rapidly approaching.
  • I spent part of my spring break working on my scriptwriting coursework, it’s been an interesting experience working on this particular coursework.
  • I also ended up reading quite a lot of comics during the spring break, I’m pretty sure that comics are the only off course reading I can manage to do whilst I’m in Uni mode!
  • If you haven’t been able to tell from my reviews of Episode 1 and Episode 2 I am enjoying the new series of Doctor Who so far.

  • My doll collection has rapidly expanded this month to a total of 20 dolls. The latest additions to my collection are the DC Superhero Girls Wonder Woman (I’ve been searching for that specific version of her for a while), Boo from Monsters Inc. and Ariel from The Little Mermaid (a bargain charity shop find for just £2.99).
  • My year abroad to Canada is getting ever closer, I’m getting further along in the process of getting ready to go out there. The process is kind of slow moving but it’s reassuring to know that more or less everyone is moving at a similar speed to me.
  • Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema to see the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, I’m looking forward to seeing it. I’ll probably also do a review.

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