Tuesday 7 February 2017

Student Food – Stop being so cliché!

It really feels like it is long overdue for people to stop being so cliché about student food.

I came to uni with a basic knowledge of cooking, nothing too elaborate but I knew enough to get by on. First week of first semester I really wasn’t eating too well and it was genuinely having an effect on my mentality and feeling of wellness. I just decided there and then that I should start trying to cook and making sure I was eating better. Since then I’ve never looked back.

I’ve done my own spin on family recipes. I’ve come up with my own dishes (three ingredient Spag Bol). I do Mary Berry and Nigella recipes. I just like cooking for myself.

Eating well definitely helps me to feel healthier and happier. I tend to get ill less often than most and I think part of that if down to me having a good diet. It also works out slightly cheaper for me on average if I’m making food instead of eating out, getting take aways or having ready meals.

To be clear I’m not condemning anyone who has just ready meals or take aways. I do eat out or have a ready meal or take away occasionally but it’s usually more of a treat. I do ‘cheat’ whilst cooking – for example I never bother making rice, I prefer to use microwave rice. I’ve just found cooking proper meals to be something that’s surprisingly easy, something that has made a positive impact on my health, something that’s enjoyable and most importantly it’s something that tastes good.

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