Friday 13 January 2017

Back to Uni after Christmas-Break

This is just a quick post to discuss how strange it feels to be going back to Uni after Christmas-Break and another attempt to force myself to blog more regularly. It’s certainly a memorable day to be the last day of the break given we had snow for once this morning…

But these last few days before going back always just feel strange. In some ways it feels like this break has flown by but at the same time it feels like it’s been absolutely ages since I was last at Uni. Christmas alone feels like a long time ago now, doesn’t it?

Writing this post I’m taking a break from packing my bags to go back. I have quite a lot of stuff going back with me but I absolutely need even more cooking utensils, a glue gun and a sewing kit at uni! I do have a tendency to over pack, which makes me slightly nervous about packing for my year abroad in Canada later this year.

But overall going back I feel ready to get back and embrace whatever challenges and surprises are waiting for me over the next few months.

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