Saturday 19 May 2018

Ranking My Top 3 Disney Princesses

It’s the Royal Wedding today. I thought this might be a fun occasion to do a post about Disney Princesses. The ranking in this list is just my current top 3 princesses, I am also only going off characters who are included in current the official Disney Princess line-up.

3 – Pocahontas

First off, I know Pocahontas has problematic parts. I also know that a lot of people dismiss the movie out of hand because of that. However I think that Pocahontas has a lot of positive aspects that people often don’t acknowledge.

Personally I think Pocahontas is a great character. (She also has the best animal sidekick in Meeko!) Pocahontas tries to fight for what she believes in, she fights for love and understanding, and she aims to bring people together. I think some of her lines like, “This is where the path of hatred has brought us. This is the path I choose.” have a lot of resonance.

2 – Merida

Merida is determined, opinionated, stubborn, and resourceful. She really broke with what is expected of a Disney Princess and it worked well. I feel like Merida is also one of a limited number of princesses who actually has to deal with her actions having consequences in terms of the rule of her kingdom.

Whilst Brave is not one of my favourite Pixar movies or one of favourite Disney Princess movies, Merida is utterly one of my absolute favourite Disney Princesses. I recently re-watched Brave and it reminded me of just how great Merida is.

1 – Tiana

I love Tiana. A self-motivated, hardworking, young woman who wants to start her own business. Tiana doesn’t just wait around for something to happen, she knows what she wants and she strives to get it.

Tiana really is a great character and for me she is absolutely the very best Disney Princess.

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