Friday 8 September 2017

The Pep Rally and Other New Experiences in Canada

I’m writing this on Friday afternoon as my first full week in Canada draws to a close, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on some of the new experiences I’ve already had since I’ve been here.

First up, the Pep Rally! As you probably guessed from the title I went to (and participated in) a Pep Rally this week. For my non-North American readers a Pep Rally is this a big event that happens towards the start of a semester, groups go out onto the football pitch perform a routine that is set to a medley of songs and cheer for their group and the other groups. At my uni we were divided based on our residences, I’m in East Residence. One of our cheers was ‘WE HAVE KITCHENS’ because our flats have kitchens but not all of them do. Part of our routine was set to We’re All In This Together from High School Musical which was a fun song choice, of course I am happy that I live in one of the residences that got a song from a Disney movie! Another part of the Pep Rally was that we had to wear t-shirts in the colour of our residence as well as getting face paint put on. Most of us also wore bandanas, again in our residences colour. The Pep Rally was awesome, it was a lot of fun to participate in. I just can’t imagine anything like that ever happening back in the UK, there’s something uniquely North American about the Pep Rally and how everyone puts aside their cynicism and gets involved. There’s just so much enthusiasm and spirit for the university and our residence. I honestly don’t think I ever seen or done anything like it ever before.

I’ve been complimented on my accent multiple times! I have an East Yorkshire accent, normally in England I am never complimented on it. I’d even go as far as to say that I don’t really like my accent that much. However here in Canada I have received quite a lot of compliments on my accent. I’d even say that having an accent from Northern England gets more compliments than other regional accents from England.

Another new experience happened in my residence. I don’t know if this is something that is uniquely Canadian or if it’s just something that I never got to experience when I lived in university accommodation because where I lived in first year was a bit different. But it’s common over here that when you’re in on an evening to leave the door to your suite open so that people can just pop in and have a chat. I really like this and it’s a good chilled out way to spend an evening.

Then, on Thursday, classes began. After over a week of fun, international arrival stuff and orientation events it suddenly felt strange to be reminded that I’ve come out to Canada to do work. Going to class is obviously something I do back in the UK, if you know me then you’ve no doubt heard me boasting about my near perfect attendance and how one of the only times I’ve missed a seminar was to meet Mary Berry. So the act of going to a seminar is nothing new to me. However the way that they’re taught here feels different. It’s true that classes are larger over here. Also (and I think it does partially depend on the module) a seminar over here is more like a cross between a lecture and a seminar. The professor will talk and lead the class like in a lecture style however it will then pause to have smaller discussions as individual groups within the class.

I am definitely settling in well and I have really enjoyed my time over here so far. I hope that the new and interesting experiences are going to keep coming throughout the academic year. Also, if you’re wondering, yes it is true that Canadians are friendly people!

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