Friday 30 September 2016

Finally Starting A Blog

So after literally everyone who knows me telling me that I should I write a blog I have finally given in and decided that it is finally time for me to start a blog.

Why 'Doing It On My Terms'? Well I'm a gay student who doesn't really enjoy drinking. For a me a good Saturday is going out shopping at 9 AM, watching a movie in the afternoon (probably either a Disney movie or a superhero movie), making something nice for dinner (probably from either a Mary Berry or Nigella Lawson recipe) and then being in bed by 10 PM. Really not standard student life!

I'm perfectly comfortable these days with being a bit different or a bit weird but I do find that sometimes in order to be happy I have to be an individual and do things on my terms.

As I use this blog I hope to share the things I do - the things that maybe are not standard for a male student - as well as sharing my thoughts and opinions on the things that I enjoy.

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